This is INDIA'S LARGEST compilation of NEWS from various Indian Newsletters to expose Indian LEFT Hypocrisy.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Even Madanis Photo was most Valued
In Kerala, Abdul Nazar Madani was being used by both the LDF and the UDF for electoral gains once again. While the political bonhomie between the PDP and the LDF has made it expedient for some of the Left candidates in the state to use the photo of Madani in their election posters, the incarcerated leader has become the target of the UDF camp as well.
In many posters of the LDF candidates, the candidate concerned can be seen overshadowed by a colossal image of Madani. And as if to assert their we-love-Madani claim, there are catchy headlines pitying the condition of Madani.
We have given permission only to the LDF for using the photograph of Madani and no one else has the right to do so,said PDP leader C.K.Abdul Azeez.
To the Unaware:
- Abdul Nasser Madhani is prime accused in 1998 Coimbatore Serial Bomb Blast case which killed more than 59 people.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Democratic Progressive Alliance (DPA) in Tamilnadu
Three Years Back Same time, CPM Article on "Casteist Organisations and the Party*"
It is a fact that the caste problem in Kerala cannot be fully explained in isolation of communalism. Muslim and Christian communalism have also been an inspiration to the current caste trends. The issues related to communalism and religious minorities are not being considered in this document. The Party Congress and the State Committee have adopted clear stand on Communalism. The existence of Kerala Congress and Muslim League, as political parties centered on Christian and Muslim minorities, and holding power in the state is also an inspiration for the casteist leaders of Hindu religion to enter into politics. This prepared the ground for strengthening the caste based politics.CPM Newsletter
TD, CPM likely to lose MPPs in Khammam
Web Definition
pros·ti·tute (prŏs'tĭ-tūt', -tyūt')
- One who solicits and accepts payment for sex acts.
- One who sells one's abilities, talent, or name for an unworthy purpose.
Monday, July 10, 2006
CPM - TDP Allaince
Same time a Year Back, Political Resolution of CPM
Same time Five Year Back, Article in Weekly Organ of CPM
{My comment: Seems Mr. Buddha has not read this Article}
{My comment: This takes the cake.}
Leopards do change spots
All sectors in Kerala open to investment: Achuthanandan
Making a strong pitch for investments in his financially crunched state, Kerala Chief Minister V.S. Achuthanandan said his government would welcome all investors - private as well as foreign - in every sector, provided the proposals were ‘not against the interests of the state’.
‘We welcome all investments - both private and foreign. But their conditions should not be against the interests of the state and welfare of its people,’ Achuthanandan told IANS in an interview here.
‘All sectors, including traditional industries, are open for private investment,’ he said.
Asked why Kerala comrades could not follow their West Bengal counterparts, who have recently changed their mode of protests from blockading roads and disrupting work, Achuthanandan said, ‘We will have to think about it.’