This Blog Post is to evaluate the role of CPI(Later CPI & CPM) in India Freedom Struggle and later(such as China War, etc)
Nationalism as a concept alien to communism. For a communist, Ideology comes first before country. For several Years, they had difficulty accepting India as a single country, they used to call India a confederation of nations.
So it is not surprising that the communists called all national heroes name- Mahatma Gandhi, Subhas Bose, Jaya Prakash Narain to name a few. Sabotaged the Quit movement, refused to accept India's freedom, started an armed rebellion against the Indian state, sided with China in the Sino-Indian conflict in 1962, supported the Emergency and press censorship in 1975, criticized Pokharan-II etc.
However, the most subversive role of the communist movement has been providing philosophical and intellectual underpinning to all such anti-national movements. CPI leadership supported the two nation theory thus Pakistan demand of the Muslim league. They even accepted Sikhs Demand for separate homeland.
Communists role during Quit India Movement is well Known. The role of CPI during China war is more Disgusting. It ranged from Declaring "Chairman Mao, Our Chairman" to Giving overt and covert support to china.
We will Broadly divide this Segment into two Section namely Before Independence, After Independence
Before Independence:
The story of Communist betrayal of the freedom movement is sickening. The CPI newspaper kept denouncing Gandhiji and Subhas Chandra Bose as "blind Messiahs" and accused them of decadence. In February 1941 the Communist wrote that "the national movement under bourgeois leadership has entered into a blind alley". The Communists heaped abuse on Gandhiji, the Congress. Jayaprakash Narayan and Subhas Babu, and denigrated the clarion call of "Do or
Die" as an indication of bankruptcy of thought.
K.K. Chaudhari in his Book Quit India Revolution: The Ethos of Its Central Direction:
Chaudhari says that "on many occasions the Communists were indeed more royalist than even the King of England". In submissions to Sir Reginald, Joshi showed what a splendid job he and his party were doing to break up the Quit India Movement. Chaudhari writes that the 120-page report "could not have been improved by any other collaborator of the British or by any quisling". Joshi was so anxious to prove the CPI's utility to the British rule that he claimed that he was doing a better job of stemming the Quit India Movement, of denouncing Subhas Babu and leaders of the Congress underground. than the government itself! Notes Chaudhari: "The tone and contents of Joshi's performance report reveal crystal clear what the CPI had done to sabotage the 1942 movement."
On the Communist Support for Creation of Pakistan he writes
"By incessant and vociferous repetition Communists proclaimed the thesis that (1) India was not one nation but a collection of several separate nationalities. (2) the demand for Pakistan is a just and democratic one because Hindus would oppress them in future; (3) the Muslim League itself has become progressive and secular and Jinnah himself was secular and anti-religious and (4) the Congress must concede to the Muslims the right to self-determination."
Benediktov Diary:
The diaries of former Soviet Ambassador to India IA Benediktov give a good Insight on various acts of CPI. The Benediktov diaries form part of the Russian Archives Documents Database at the National Security Archive of George Washington University, Washington, DC. Excerpts from the diaries can be accessed on the website of the Cold War International History Project of the Woodrow Wilson Centre in Washington, DC.
One of entries describe a conversation with the Secretary of the National Council of the Communist Party of India (CPI), Bhupesh Gupta. During the conversation, Gupta urgently requests Soviet financial aid for the Indian party for use in an upcoming election campaign; the answer conveyed by Benediktov ten days later suggests that the Soviets responded positively to the request, although the amount is not indicated:
Followed by:
Today I received Gupta at his request. Gupta communicated that on 16-17 January a meeting of the Secretariat of the CPI took place in Delhi, at which was discussed the future work of the party apparatus in connection with the death of A[joy]. [Kumar] Ghosh….Gupta said that he desires that the ties of the CPI and CPSU do not become weakened in any way after the death of Ghosh. The assistance in various forms and the comradely advice of the CC CPSU have always been enormously useful to us, he underscored….Gupta said that no other party, not even the communist party of China, can occupy in the hearts of Indian communists the place which belongs to the CPSU…
Gupta reported that after the death of Ghosh at the present time in the party there is an acute insufficiency of means for the preelection campaign. He expressed the fear that with the death of Ghosh the source for receiving means for the communist party from the CPSU might be closed. These questions were handled by Ghosh alone, Gupta underscored. He never consulted with him /Gupta/, and even less with [Elamulam M.S.] Nambudiripad and G. Nair/ with the latter two only about using the assistance/. All these matters were held in strictest secrecy from other leaders of the party and members of the National Council. This explains the fact that not a single report on this question has appeared in the press. Gupta said that he cannot singlehandedly take on responsibility in questions of assistance, therefore he considers it necessary to consult with Nambudiripad, whom he characterized as a person of crystalline honesty and whom Ghosh trusted. Gupta confidentially reported that A. Ghosh had not consulted on this problem with Akhmed or with [Shripad Amrit] Dange, who once proposed that he entrust to him alone all matters connected with the receipt of aid from abroad.
The Mitrokhin Archive II:
"The Mitrokhin Archive" refers to the collected notes taken by Vasili Mitrokhin over 30 years. They became public following his 1992 departure from Russia to Great Britain. The notes purportedly contain Soviet intelligence operations details obtained from KGB archives. Mitrokhin was a Major and senior archivist for the USSR's foreign intelligence service and the First Directorate of KGB.
In this he describes:
The CPI was funded in many ways, including transfer of money through car windows on Delhi roads: “(C.) Rajeshwar Rao, general secretary of the CPI from 1964 to 1990, subsequently provided receipts for the sums received.”
Then there was the infamous rupee-ruble trade: “In 1959, the CPI general secretary, Ajoy Ghosh, agreed on plans to found an import-export business for trade with the Soviet bloc, headed by a senior Party member codenamed DED...Within little more than a decade its annual profits had grown to over 3 million rupees.”
Mrs Raj Thapar former communists of "Thapar couple Fame:
Mrs Raj Thapar former communists of "Thapar couple"' fame in her memoir "All These Years (Penguin, 1991)" writes "To this day I cannot fathom what lay behind the communist support for the idea of Pakistan, what vested interests possessed them to waste their cadres, their energy, to help what obviously the most reactionary trend in our political life. And of all people, (Mohan Kumaramangalam), who I then thought had devoured all the basic writings of Marxism, how could he hold, support, back and supply Jana was with the intellectual arguments he so urgently needed."
A Glimpse thru Mahatma Gandhi's Letter
His letter to Communist leader P C joshi on June 11, 1944 on How Communist Betrayed Labour Leaders: Role of Communists was so illustrious that even Mahatma Gandhi got wind of their deeds.In his letter to Communist leader P C joshi on June 11, 1944 Gandhi himself talked about the Communist party helping the authorities arrest the leaders of labor unions.
I had expected a prompt reply to the questions I had raised at our meeting. Meanwhile some additional questions have arisen which please, answer when you answer my first questions.
1. What is the meaning of “people” in “people’s war”? Does it mean war on behalf of India’s millions, or the Negroes in East, South or West Africa, or the Negroes of America, or all of them? Are the Allies engaged in such a war?
2. Are the finances of the Communist Party, represented by you, subject to public audit? If they are, may I see them?
3. It is stated that the Communist Party has actively helped the authorities to arrest leaders and organizers of labour strikes during the last two years.
4. The Communist Party is said to have adopted the policy of infiltrating the Congress organization with a hostile intent.
5. Is not the policy of the Communist Party dictated from outside?
Yours sincerely,
In his reply on June 14, 1944 P. C. Joshi does not deny the charge: He says it cannot be proven. Then gloats about this achievement of theirs:
"That we successfully prevented the Indian working class from resorting to strikes even in a period of their worsening material conditions is the measure not only of our influence over it but its capacity to understand national interests as its own."
(Letter no 136, page 100 and Appendix IX, page 444)
How Communists acted as Fifth Columnist for British: In an Article article of V Sundaram Writes:"Bhulabhai Desai reported in the light of cold documentary evidence how the Communist Party of India had functioned as a fifth Columnist, acting as a paid agent of the British Government in India. His recommendations were referred to a Committee consisting of Pandit Nehru, Sardar Patel and G B Pant who endorsed the findings of Bhulabhai Desai. Charge sheets were then served on the Communist members."
This fact of history (if the article of V Sundaram is not good enough) can be verified through a look at the correspondence of Mahatma Gandhi with P.C. Joshi (a general secretary of the Communist party at the time). Refer Letter of Mr. Joshi to Gandhi dated February 1,1945(Appendix VIII page 470) here Mr Joshi talks about question of their moral bonafides and the file containing the evidence against them.
Letter no 595, Page no 354: In this letter Mahatma Gandhi Sarcastically asks P. C Joshi
Received your letter. Shall I reply in the national language?
Then Continues Saying
I did not write to you because you yourself had asked me not to do so. Yes, you are right, complaint was mine......
But complaints continue coming to me.
Letter no 721, Page no 413 In this letter Mahatma Gandhi writes on unprincipled nature of Communists:
Many honest Congressmen come to me or write to me from the various provinces that communists have no principles save of keeping their party alive and beating their opponents with any stick that came to their hands.
In this letter, it is also mentioned that Bhulabhai Desai who was preoccupied and not keeping well was one of the members of the tribunal suggested by communists to have the charges against them examined)
Letter no 658. Letter to P. C Joshi dated August 21, 1945
The news, almost daily poured into my ears by Congressmen to the effect that the Party is unscrupulous in its methods and that it even resorts to violence.
Letter no 515. Letter to Dr. Syed Mahmud January 22, 1945
As to the Communists, you should see the papers. I went out of my way to meet them and to befriend them. But Joshi wrote peremptorily that I should not write to him any more. He wanted me to speak to him thro[ugh] Bhulabhai, Mrs. Naidu or C. R.
Letter no 409, Letter to Shanta Patel dated July 16, 1945
The Congress working committee appointed a sub committee consisting of Pandit Nehru, G B Pant and Sardar Patel to look at the charges
After Independence:
CIA Dossier
Excerpts from CIA Dossier which was declassified recently
How CPI Started Betraying during China War
On the 28th, Nehru for the first time made a statement in Parliament substantiating the press r e p o r t s of such Chinese incursions and armed clashes . This statement inflamed Indian public opinion; according to a private comment that day by the chief of the Communist Indian Press Agency, it confused and staggered the party members. During the next two days the CPI Central Secretariat, minus Ghosh, held an emergency meeting on the problem, following which the party issued the first in what was to be a long and varied series of statements on the border, a vague declaration glossing over the question of border violations, holding (as the Chinese were to do) that the entire border has never been defined, making no mention of the MacMahonline , and urgently calling for negotiations. The CPI subsequently came under wide public attack as a result of its failure in this statement to take a clear-cut stand supporting the Indian government position.
Page 61how CPI planned to start Armed Rebellion
In Feb 1958 an official of the Soviet Embassy contacted CPI Leaders to renew the request to setup an underground organization. While Ajoy Ghosh refused, HK Surjeet and others privately decided that Ghosh was taking a complacent line and decided to reach out to the CPSU outside of party channels. The CPI did proceed to recruit a secret organization within the Indian Army.
In February 1959, Ajoy Ghosh in his report to the Central Executive Committee that China Russia insisted that the CPI must develop a standby apparatus capable of armed resistance, while intensifying penetration of Indian Military forces.
In the September Central Executive Committee meeting Ajoy Ghosh argued against the tendency to welcome Chinese military presence on Indian borders to justify a new militant line for the CPI. This was rejected by the hard left who argued that with the PLA now present along the Indian Border the Indian Party had a channel of support for Armed Operations and a potential liberator in the event of mass uprisings.CPI Propaganda War and Ideological Support
On the border question, the leftists circulated at the CEC meeting a document upholding the Chinese case entirely , and claiming that the dispute was linked both with a shift in Indian foreign policy and Nehru's reactionary domestic tendency recently shown in Kerala. This document said that the government was using the dispute to distract the Indian people from the real issues and to create a situation where the CPI could be isolated and outlawed. It called on the party to "expose this game of the Nehru government".
Ghosh, however, is reported to have proposed a "middle way" suggested to him in Moscow, whereby the CPI would state that acceptance of neither the MacMahon line nor the line shown on Chinese maps should be made a precondition for Sino-Indian negotiation . This formula, plus a statement of the CPI's conviction that socialist China could never commit aggression, formed the core of the CEC resolution eventually adopted on this subject and published on 25 September. This second CPI resolution on the border dispute aroused a great public uproar; the CPI's failure t o place any blame upon China or to support any aspect of the Indian government's position was widely denounced as virtually treasonable.The history behind CPI Resolution criticizing Chinese Aggression!
On 11 July Ghosh left for one of his periodic visits to Moscow, to consult with CPSU leaders on a variety of subject. In early September Ghosh returned to India, bearing with him instructions reportedly given him by CPSU Presidium member Kuusinen to see that the CPI in its forthcoming Election Manifesto made some gesture in support of the Indian nationalist position on the border issue.
During a Central Executive Committee meeting held from 11 to 17 September at which a draft Election Manifesto was prepared, a plank on the border issue was drawn up, reportedly by Ghosh personally, which was said to have condemned China as an aggressor, to have strongly supported the Indian position on the border.
However, when during the following week Ghosh attempted to get the National Council to approve this plank, , from Ranadive, denying all support to the Indian position . Sundarayya and Basavapunniah threated to leave the meeting, and Sundarayya and Konar each warned that their respective organizations in Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal would not be bound by the plank if adopted. When the Ghosh CEC plank was submitted to a vote, it was defeated, 25-22. The CCP was duly informed by the leftists of the details of the struggle over Ghosh's plank, as well as of the fact that Kuusinen had encouraged Ghosh to write that plank.How CPI hoped to switch side to China During War
The left - faction members of the CPI Central Secretariat--Ranadive, Bhupesh Gupta, and particularly Basavapunniah--became increasingly active late in 1959 in promoting the line given them in Peiping throughout the CPI. In mid-November, Basavapunniah was reported by two sources to have repeated,to a meeting of CPI leaders concerned with creating an underground organization, his belief that the CPI lack of a contiguous foreign supply base during the Telengana revolt had now been remedied with the Chinese occupation of Tibet and other frontier areas. In late December he was said to have reiterated to a meeting of the Maharasha State Council Mao's statement to Ghosh that Tibet, Sikkim, Bhutan, and the Northwest Frontier Agency are provinces peopled by the same race, that China had a historic right to these territories, that the MacMahone line was not valid , and that the Indian government's raising of "the bogey of Chinese aggression" had resulted from its realization that Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan and India would be deeply affected by the social and economic revolution in Tibet.
How CPI planned to sabotage Defense Services
Dange claimed that the CPI had decided to establish a network of underground "combat cells" all over India during the next two years, to be used in case of need; and Jaipal Singh, the head of the CPI secret organization in the defense services , told a recruit after the congress that his organization was in full swing again after having been deactivated in May 1960 because of party factionalism and government attention to his activities . Nothing more has been heard since the congress about tile possibility of Chinese help to and guidance for these CPI underground activities ; there had been indications earlier in the year that Peiping had responded to the leftist plea for such help by predicating it upon leftist seizure of organizational control of the CPI at the party congress,
page 153
GOI Reply to Parliament on CPI Stand during Indo China War:
On November 13, 1962 while replying to the discussions in the Rajya Sabha, Lal Bahadur Shastri pointed out that Jyoti Basu equated India with China during the war and called the Chinese aggression as provoked by Indian statements and “across an imaginary line called MacMohan line”. But the Marxists were not merely satisfied with words. Kalimpong town had become a den of Chinese spies. Every move of the Indian army was monitored and reported to the enemy. Like in 1942, the communists played a major role in helping the Chinese.
B. Raman(ex Boss of IB) in an Article "China's Interest Is Our Interest' Published in Outlook writes:
After joining the IB in 1967, I went on a visit to Kolkata. Those were the days of the Cultural Revolution in China. The Marxists were not yet in power in West Bengal, but were very active. As I was travelling in a taxi from the Dum Dum airport to downtown, I saw the following slogan painted by the Marxists on the walls everywhere: "China's Chairman is our Chairman."
A Report by CID - Andhra Pradesh State Police by Sri ABV Rao, IPS
He Reports
The Marxist-Leninist-Maoist (M-L-M) ideology was propounded by the radical elements of undivided Communist Party of India starting from 1964. It resulted in several break ups of the original Communist Party into two main factions of CPI and CPM and several splinter groups on the M-L-M lines. Besides ego clashes of leaders and competition for leadership, the most important factor responsible for the rise of these splinter groups was the active –ideological and material- support extended to them initially by the Communist Party of China and later, by some other East Block countries.
Once formed under the directions and guidance of the Chinese Communists, the Indian M-L-M parties acquired a momentum of their own and pursued their own course. Holding on to slogans like “China Chairman (Mao) our Chairman”, they became more Maoist than Mao himself!! The Deng reforms altered the ML parties’ course as little as the fall of communism in USSR altered the political agenda of the mainline Communist Parties of India (CPI and CPM). The ML parties found a ready phrase to denounce Deng’s reforms – “Revisionism” – used extensively by Mao to denounce the Soviets after the Stalinist era.
What a bunch of lies. The writer obviously does not consider facts are important. But a reader with a sense of history can understand his frustration and root cause behind the lies.
ReplyDeleteWell, it's vrry easy to tell that all that aee written are blatant lies. Denial of facts is the easiest thing to do since it doesn't entail any obligation for providing counter proofs. It's true that the Indian communists have betrayed their motherland many a times. Their main objective had always remained to grab power at the behest of their ideological masters. Even after the Russian uprising, the first official hob of Lenin was to engineer the murder of Russia's valiant General and signing up am armistice with Germany during the Worlf War-I. The Russian srcret archives recently delassified after the fall of the erstwhile USSR tells horrifying tales. Even many Indian communists were murdered by Stalin in Russia during the Great Purge of 1930s; one of them being Biremdranath Chattipadhyay, the younger brother of Sarojini Naidu!
DeleteWell, it's vrry easy to tell that all that aee written are blatant lies. Denial of facts is the easiest thing to do since it doesn't entail any obligation for providing counter proofs. It's true that the Indian communists have betrayed their motherland many a times. Their main objective had always remained to grab power at the behest of their ideological masters. Even after the Russian uprising, the first official hob of Lenin was to engineer the murder of Russia's valiant General and signing up am armistice with Germany during the Worlf War-I. The Russian srcret archives recently delassified after the fall of the erstwhile USSR tells horrifying tales. Even many Indian communists were murdered by Stalin in Russia during the Great Purge of 1930s; one of them being Biremdranath Chattipadhyay, the younger brother of Sarojini Naidu!
DeleteLol @ the anonymous coward commenter who whines that this blog post is all lies.
ReplyDeleteHey Mr.jholawalla wake up, stop smoking your commie provided herbal vapours and start debating like a mature person.
If you cant see face to face with the reality then shut up and enter your commie burrow.
To the blog admin good writeup, keep up the good work in exposing these CPM traitors
Utter bullshit.
ReplyDeleteWhat sort of third rate propaganda is this!
History is not a one sided show, my friend. Gandhiji and P.C.Joshi were good friends and Joshi respected Gandhi irrespective of their political & ideological differences. (Not like the RSS & HMS who assassinated Gandhiji since his ideology is opposite to their ideology) Communists took part in freedom struggle and fought against the British, even from the formation days of 1925. The British put lot of cases against them, including Kanpur conspiracy case, Meerut conspiracy case etc. They were arrested, tortured and many communists got martyrdom while fighting the British. Nobody can deny those facts.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the opposition to Quit India movement, it was not only the communists opposed it, but Hindu Mahasabha, RSS and even Shymprasad Mukharji (later Jansangh minister) opposed the movement. The communists opposed the Quit India movement, since it was declared at the time of World War II, when the world was facing the greatest danger of Hitler's Nazi Army. Communist party declared that if the British army was defeated by Nazi army, then India will came under the rule of Hitler, which will be like a suicide mission. and they also said that, after the war, even if British win, they will be weakened financially and will not able to hold their rule in the colonies including India, which will force them to give freedom to India, as promised. This was a correct analysis, since after 1945; more than 26 British colonies got freedom (including India) within a span of 5 years.
So you can blame the communists for going against the popular 'feelings' of common man at that time, but you cannot deny the simple facts that the communists gave their share of lives for freedom of this country and their sacrifices cannot be ignored. They were far better than the gangs like RSS, HMS, VHP, Muslim League etc who work against the freedom movement
White washing of comnunists is not the forgetting blatend things done by commis... read gandhiji's letters thouroughly.. you will understand.
DeleteAnd please remember that the communists played an important part in the Independence struggle of Goa, against the Khalisthan movement in Punjab etc. More than 400 CPI volunteers were murdered by Khalisthani terrorists in Punjab.
ReplyDeleteSo called Indian Communists have never been Indian. Any 'non-Indian' criticizes Indian Culture and its politics should be considered as the conspirator and enemy of the state! As long as India was poor in literacy rate, Communists' hush-hush, wise-wise, all-knowing-masked face cheated the illiterate public a lot and enjoyed. Now they should accept the inevitable - gone the days of their falsehood and cheating!
ReplyDeleteThe bjp is winning in places where people have low literacy rates. The left govt is going to come to power in India's most literate state of Kerala
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteCooked up stories and blatant lies may trick the common man into hating communism, but we will continue to fight for the poor and oppressed. When India does something wrong, we will have the guts to raise objection instead of playing the patriotism card for scoring brownie points. We don't need any certificate of patriotism from the loyal dogs of the british
ReplyDeleteCommunists often lie. They have lied in respect of Stalin, they have lied in respect of student massacre in Tien-An-Min square, they have lied in respect of Pol Pot.They have lied in respect of Nandigram
ReplyDeleteBrilliant piece. Appreciate your work in exposing the commie filths.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant piece. Appreciate your work in exposing the commie filths.
ReplyDeleteFighting for poor does not have to betray the Indian national unity and side with the crooked enemy nations of China and Pakistan. In order to help the poor people of India the nation has to stand united in all aspects.
ReplyDeleteThe communists has only one agenda ,grab power using , or misusing the parliamentary democratic frame work and its freedom , which is unknown to their friends in china . They lie and misguide the middle class and so called educated people within the country who have never experienced communists dictatorship in other parts of the world. They cover up the facts behind the fall of communism in the soviet union and East Europe and the peril of communism in Cuba or Africa. They aggravate the sentiments of the poor people using class war theory, doing nothing to promote peace and unity among people to remove poverty. The never ending political murder and looting in Kerala/India is an example. They hate peace and harmony among the volk. How can a philosophy never show willingness and humility to accepts God the creator of mankind can promote peace among people ?
In Bengal people learned their hidden face after 4 decades of despotic rule. In Kerala, both industry , agriculture and public sector services are all perished. It takes time for the people to understand the communists face until the Gulf employed people of the state comes back in mass return. They are the ones who keep the state economy running.
I fully appreciate the author for bringing these communist traitors to light so that the Indians can take a clear view of these anti nationals
ReplyDeleteAn eye opener information -the author has done a commendable job.
ReplyDeleteGood job admin/author. You should keep exposing communists in front of people.communists are bloody over-intellectual people always trying to twisting the facts to prove legality of their anti-nationalist 1939 communists wrote a letter to Britishers ensuring them that they not gonna support freedom struggle and they did so. They even refused to donate blood to indian army during 1962 indo-china war and supported chinese agenda secretly.
ReplyDeleteThey used to provoke tribal and dalit people to pick-up a guns against your country .
Today still their workers like kanhaiya kumar, umar khalid, raising anti national slogan. Communists always tried to free kashmir from india.
They are totally traitor people, its a time when we stand against them to save country.
Word Communist is synonym of terrorist and naxalist and thats what they do.
Look at the bengal what they did in 40 years. They killed innocent hindus, they used to kill innocent rss people in kerala, they provoked muslims in kasmir to kill kashmiri pandits.
They tried their best to destroy our conutry.
Wake up and stand against communists.
Well done ..These communist are jerks... Don't know why they are on earth
ReplyDeleteHari bol!
ReplyDeleteToday i am very very happy by knowing about the true color of communist and their hypocritical adventures in this very great country. They have been given all kind of supports,education but they have betrayed to this great country....
This is very good work by which these so called betrayers are now being exposed.....
Expose them...
Communists and swine's shouldn't be allowed to stay in India.Both are harmful,but Communists are more
ReplyDeleteThe online form for this MAHADMA Recruitment 2018 will be accepting from 07th April 2018 to 27th April 2018.
ReplyDeleteHearty congratulations for this great write up friend !
ReplyDeletePahad Singh , Tribal Citizen of Indua, former Communist says "They recruit us talking about Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev " once we are in , we are bombarded with demented Communist propaganda teaching only one thing = Blood Bath.
ReplyDeleteWatch him speak
ReplyDeleteThis is what the communists do..
They have never practised democracy in the world .
We all know that the No 1 mass murderer in the world was Mao . No 2 was Stalin . No 3 and by a large distance was Hitler..
Who doesn't know their bloody history??
Let the communists challenge facts with facts..
Gaming laptops under $500 just from here.
ReplyDeleteSo many decision went wrong, specially under the leadership of P.C.Joshi. Communists are sometimes very much international ist rather than to be Nationalist
ReplyDeleteI am reading this after 2019 election results, someone here wrote that its all BJP propaganda and BJP wins only illiterate north Indian states and he is very proud of Kerala where CPM enjoys it's last surviving days. I live in Kerala State and the name of the place is Kannur which is notoriously famous for political killing. My entire family is communists and I call tell you how CPM still win here. In nineties I witnessed comrades roaming the entire villages with weapons and frighten the people, they used to block the roads and beat the people who are the followers of Congress party and made them to get back to home. There should be dedicated members to do bogus votes of other party members. After voters identity card become compulsory it become little hard task for comrades so they made a new tricks, they threaten other party booth agents so most of the booths will have only CPM agents and they will not be opposed when someone enter for bogus vote. Even preciding officers help CPM to cast bogus votes.
ReplyDeleteIf you really want to cast your vote do it in morning if you become late someone else would be doing it for you. Even my mother in law faced same problem. So when some one proudly saying that kerala people are educated and they support CPM it's a propaganda. This time they caught with red hands because of CCTV and EC made repolling in few booths.
Party village is a term used by comrades which you can see in Kannur where brainwashed youths are ready to kill the opponent's when they raise their voice against the injustice. Once they feel that some one is dragging some attraction he will be killed to avoid the growth of other parties. Reality is much much worse than my words, I can tell you one more example, once one of my relative refused to buy CPM's newspaper Deshabhimani and the very next day onwards comrades starting excrete infront his shop until he agrees to buy it daily.
Even I get threats many times for criticizing CPM. I think I am alive only because my dad is respected CPM member..
So this this the reality. It's not literacy or intellectuals made them win here, it's gundagiri made them win here.
Bency Mohan G You are one of the most acclaimed fools I have came across who keeps on babling the same nonsense that If British was defeated then Hitler would have reached India . What A Insensible nonsense.Thats a totally idealistic nonsense. Thats the very nature of communists. Communists opposing Quit India is entirely of Russia's Communist Environmental interest. In 1939 Russia-germany pact was signed in which it was promised that bothe countries will not attack each other. After that those hypocrite indian communists keep on praising Germany for no reason. They even kept a blind eye when Germany was attacking several countries and put the blame on Britain-France alliance. But as in 1941 Germany attacked Russia , Indian communists were shaken from their position. They couldnt even accept the reality. Hence their next step was the praise the British as germany has became their new enemy. Suddenly from a blue eyed friend Germany became fascist, imperialist etc. Such is the hypocrisy of the Communists.
ReplyDeletethanks for the post