Saturday, February 09, 2008

Hilarious: CITU and its effort to save Globe from Warming

Once upon there were two Left trade union leaders P K Ganguly and M K Pandhe, both deeply concerned with global warming. Burning with desire to Protect Mother Earth, Indian comrades wanted to participate in an international global warming conference to raise International Awareness on Global Warming. I being a Dimwit(read Non Communist) am still trying to figure out why they didnot start their work from India or what is CITU Leaders qualifications on Global Warming.

Finally, The prayers were answered, they were invited for a conference in London. (why is this love between CPM Leaders and UK, Karat did his studies from UK, Kerala Party Secretary's son is studying in UK etc etc...). The invite got the Centre for Trade Unions in India all excited so that decks were cleared for Ganguly to go to London and present a paper on global warming(talk about overconfidence).

But the journey to London remained elusive as the promised ticket to fly never arrived even though the CITU was ready to roll. It is then they realized  that so-called conference was a con job. This left left the torchbearers of the downtrodden poorer by 301 pounds or Rs 25,000. A paltry amount for the Multi Million Organisation but leaves a Large question mark on the Intelligence of the people.

The comrades are not only red faced and very angry they now want justice against cyber crime and want the Ministry of External Affairs to step in for help.

"We will be very careful now. They are targeting us and if necessary we will involve the Interpol," says one comrade.


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